Die China Gold Coin Incorporation (CGCI) ist ein in Shenzhen ansässiges Unternehmen, das unter direkter Aufsicht der Zentralbank der Volksrepublik China steht. CGCI wurde im Jahr 1987 zu dem alleinigen Zweck gegründet, die chinesischen Gedenk- und Anlagemünzen in den vier Edelmetallarten zu entwerfen, herzustellen und zu vermarkten. Als Hauptmotiv wurde der unter Artenschutz stehende Pandabär gewählt. Darüber hinaus kommt der China Gold Coin Inc. die Aufgabe zu, die inländische Nachfrage nach Anlagemetallen in Abstimmung mit der Zentralbank zu planen und zu koordinieren. Die Pandas erscheinen alljährlich mit einem neuen Motiv in Gold und Silber.
office@goldinvest-edelmetalle.de / +49 (0) 30530 2311 70The CGCI is a precious metals mint in China (based in Shenzhen) under the supervision of the Chinese Central Bank.
The CGCI produces investment coins, bars and commemorative coins. The most famous coin in gold and silver is the panda motif.
The investment products have a fineness of 999.9 gold or silver. Some of the collector's products consist of alloys of both metals, occasionally decorated with gemstones and colored paintings. The fineness of the respective precious metal can be found in the attached certificate. It is important to note that collector's products are often significantly more expensive than the metal value. Whether collectors' expectations can be met in terms of price depends on market demand and the number of copies produced.
We can deliver all commercially available Chinese coins and bars at short notice, even if they are not listed in the shop, please contact us.
This depends on the number of copies and market demand. Chinese collector coins made of precious metals are known for their good minting quality and colorful decorations and paintings.
Gold Coin Incorporation (CGCI) is a Shenzhen-based company directly regulated by the People's Bank of China.
In 1987, CGCI was founded to exclusively design, produce and market Chinese commemorative and bullion coins in four different types of precious metals. The central motif chosen was the endangered panda bear, which is not only considered a national symbol but is also considered the oldest ambassador of the Republic of China.
Here everything is done from a single source, from design to embossing and sales. Gold mined in China is used for the most part. A special feature is the annually changing motif on the coins.
Every gold dealer in Austria and Germany buys coins for investment. Collectibles are usually purchased from gold dealers at their metal value; higher returns can be achieved in collector shops.
The annually changing motif. The motifs of the Krugerrand, the Vienna Philharmonic, the Maple Leaf, the Britania and the Kangaroo have remained unchanged for many years. A special feature is the change from Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III after the coronation in 2023 on the back of the Britania.