GOLDINVEST verkauft ausschließlich Goldbarren, die eine Feinheit von 999,9/1000 aufweisen und gleichzeitig zum Handel an der Londoner Goldbörse zugelassen sind. Die von der London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) bescheinigte Güte ist für uns ein fundamentales Kriterium. / +49 (0) 30530 2311 70Stability of value: Gold has continuously maintained its value, even if the price fluctuates. This is exactly why it is preferred by investors in times of crisis, e.g. B. as inflation protection. An ounce of fine gold (999.9) cost around €330 20 years ago, but today it costs over €1,800. Apart from that, gold is easy to buy and sell and therefore quickly liquid again.
Professional tests in your own four walls are usually difficult because the necessary utensils are missing. However, any reputable precious metal dealer can check the authenticity using an acid test, X-ray fluorescence analysis or ultrasound analysis. The review is not always free.
Depending on the volume, the safe at home may be sufficient with the corresponding report to the insurance company. But for larger quantities, we always recommend an anonymous and fully insured precious metal deposit with a trusted dealer.
Yes, if they are stored in a precious metal depot or if you inform your insurance company if they are stored at home. In any case, it is important to keep the purchase receipts.
The “spot price” (exchange commodity price) is the same internationally. Production costs, delivery, dealer markups influence the final “sales price”, a comparison is always worth it.
There are reputable, certified and renowned dealers worldwide. It is always advisable to read the reviews on the Internet in advance or to arrange a non-binding initial consultation/get-to-know-you. We always recommend convincing yourself personally.