
Palladiumbarren werden für private und gewerbliche Investoren aus 99,95 Prozentigem Feinpalladium von verschiedenen Prägeanstalten hergestellt. Der Vertrieb, Handel und Rückkauf erfolgt durch Scheideanstalten, Banken und Edelmetallhändler. Palladiumbarren sind in Deutschland und Österreich beim Kauf mehrwertsteuerpflichtig. / +49 (0) 30530 2311 70
Palladium Barren 1 Unze
Heraeus div. Hersteller

Palladium Barren 1 Unze

Artikel momentan nicht verfügbar, kontaktieren Sie uns gerne. 1053.77€

Palladium is a precious metal that is primarily in demand in industry - a so-called industrial metal. For investors it is traded in bar form and as coins. The purity is usually 999.5/1000.

At precious metal dealers in the counter and online business. But there are also private and commercial offers on trading and auction platforms.

The commercially available bars for investors weigh 1g; 10g; 1Oz; 50g; 100g; 500g and 1000g.


Yes, most precious metals dealers who sell palladium also buy it.

Yes, every storage provider covers its costs through storage fees.

Through careful handling and safe storage, e.g. in a safe. It is important to declare the goods to your insurer if they are stored at home.

Palladium is subject to VAT. The capital gains are tax-free after 12 months. Wealth tax has generally not been levied in Germany since 1995.

This depends on the price set by the respective dealer. This price is subject to fluctuations.

The bars are available in different weights. Fractions can also be purchased via our precious metal savings plan.


Are there any restrictions on buying Palladium bar for non-residents of Germany?

Palladium and platinum have long been traded for investment, but have never achieved the role of gold and silver.

Yes. We buy your palladium goods and sell you other precious metals in return if you wish.

The commercially available bars for investors weigh 1g; 10g; 1Oz; 50g; 100g; 500g and 1000g.