Palladiummünzen gibt es nur in überschaubarer Vielfalt. Palladium ist kein klassisches Münzmetall und wird bis auf wenige historische Ausnahmen (Russland) nur für Anlagemünzen und für Gedenkmünzen eingesetzt. Da Palladiummünzen beim Verkauf im Münzhandel bzw. Palladiumhandel dem vollen Mehrwertsteuer-Satz unterliegen, ist es für Anleger meist günstiger, in Palladiumbarren zu investieren. / +49 (0) 30530 2311 70Das Edelmetall Palladium wird in Münzen- und Barrenform zur Kapitalanlage gehandelt. Die Reinheit beträgt in der Regel 999,5/1000.
Palladium is predominantly a precious metal used in industry. This fact makes palladium even more interesting as an investment.
The price has increased tenfold since 2010, largely due to industrial demand, but has also fallen sharply again since 2021. Recommends here
buy regularly instead of to compensate for price fluctuations.
Production costs, trading costs, industrial demand and investor demand. The price on the stock exchange changes constantly.
Several mints. The coins are available, for example, as Mapple Leaf, American Eagle and Russian rubles.
Through a certificate or a test using special measurement technology.
Because of the high price fluctuations, palladium is more suitable as a long-term investment, i.e. not less than 10 years.
Since it is an industrial metal, it is not as suitable for inflation hedging as gold.
No. The purchase of precious metals is possible in Germany up to €2,000.00 and in Austria up to €10,000 without authentication requirements. The purchase can be made in cash. Above these limits, the buyer must be legitimized. Not every trader allows anonymous trading. Legitimacy is generally required when purchasing.
Purchased at trading price, otherwise at melting value. Because of their high value, we recommend safe custody.
As an industrial metal, palladium is more affected by daily price fluctuations than gold and silver.