In unserer Kategorie Platinmünzen finden Sie reine Kapitalanlagemünzen, die eine für Platin typische Feinheit von 999,50/1000 aufweisen. Münzen aus Platin dienten nie als Zahlungsmittel, als Anlagemünzen zur Diversifizierung sind sie jedoch optimal geeignet. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für Platinprodukte in Deutschland die Mehrwertsteuer in Höhe von 19 Prozent gilt. Einige Platinprodukte können wir Ihnen auch mehrwertsteuerfrei in unserem Zollfreilager in Zürich anbieten. / +49 (0) 30530 2311 70Platinum with a purity of 999.5 in coin form. There are different coins from all major mints. The most common sizes are 1/10; ¼: ½ and 1 oz.
Every reputable precious metal dealer buys and sells platinum coins.
This depends on the stock market price for platinum and changes constantly.
Precious metal coins should always be stored dry and encapsulated or in a protective cover. Only undamaged coins are purchased at the trade price, otherwise at the melting value. Because of their high value, we recommend safe custody.
Any reputable precious metal dealer will certify the authenticity for you. Otherwise, it is not certain that you are purchasing genuine goods with 999.9 degrees of purity.
The purchase of precious metals is possible in Germany up to €2,000.00 and in Austria up to €10,000 without authentication requirements. The purchase can be made in cash. Above these limits, the buyer must be legitimized. Not every trader allows anonymous trading. Legitimacy is generally required when purchasing.
For example, in our stores in Vienna and Berlin or here: The prices you find online at precious metal dealers always refer to undamaged goods.
The customs regulations for precious metals apply. Within the EU, precious metals up to a monetary value of €10,000 do not have to be declared.
Yes, the Money Laundering Act (GWG) and the tax law. The statutory VAT in Germany is 19% and in Austria 20%.