Eine der bedeutendsten Affinerien der Welt. Seit Gründung des Unternehmens, im August 1920, hat sie nach eigenen Angaben 50.000 Tonnen Gold geschieden. Dies entspricht einer Affinage von ungefähr 30 % aller jemals auf der ganzen Erde gefundenen Goldvorkommen. Ferner hat das Unternehmen im Auftrag des südafrikanischen Staates das alleinige Recht, die Anlage- und Kurantmünze Krugerrand zu prägen.
office@goldinvest-edelmetalle.de / +49 (0) 30530 2311 70The Rand Refinery produces cast bars, minted bars and minted coins, including the world-famous Kruegerrand coin.
Rand Refinery's bullion coins are produced with various purities of. The most famous coin, the Kruegerrand, has a fineness of 916.6. The 1 Oz coin contains 31.1 fine gold. The rest is copper. The coin weighs 33.93g. The mint chose this alloy to increase scratch resistance. The 1Oz silver coin has a fineness of 999.9.
The Rand gold coins from South Africa are the predecessors of the famous Kruegerrand. The Rand Refinery minted the gold 1 and 2 Rand pieces from 1961 to 1983, modeled on the Sovereign. The size, weight and fineness of the Rand gold coins correspond exactly to the British sovereign coins. Although the coins have not been produced since 1983, they are still considered legal tender in South Africa today.
From any reputable and certified dealer you trust.
The South African Rand Refinery not only mints the world-famous Kruegerrand gold coin, but of course also produces gold bars.
The gold bar series, which has been offered internationally since 2014 and of course also at ESG, is called Loxadonta, which is Latin for elephant. In Germany the bars are therefore known as elephant gold bars. On the front, the manufacturer, RAND REFINERY, is written at the top, with Au for Aurum underneath in a divided frame, the fineness 999.9, the weight, FINE GOLD, and an individual serial number.
The Rand Refinery (Pty), founded in Germiston in 1920, is the most important precious metals refinery* in the world.
Since the company was founded in August 1920, it says it has mined 50,000 tons of gold. This corresponds to an affinity of approximately 30% of all gold deposits ever found on earth. Furthermore, the company has the sole right to mint the Kruegerrand investment and currency coin on behalf of the South African state.
*Affinery: An refinery (also known as a refinery) is a facility in which metals are separated in a very pure form by removing impurities. It is a separation process for metals from metal alloys, especially precious metals.
Yes, the Kruegerrand coin is one of the most famous investment coins in the world.
Are Rand Refinery coins recognized internationally for their quality and authenticity?
Yes, Rand Refinery products can be traded internationally. Unfortunately, the Kruegerrand coin is also counterfeited by counterfeiters. Your trusted gold dealer can use appropriate measuring technology to check its authenticity. No product leaves our company without an authenticity check.
Investment coins should always be kept safe and protected. Depending on the value of the goods, the coins should ideally be stored in an insured depot. Please find out more about the GOLDINVEST precious metal depot.